Hydrazon Hot 15 Fizz chilled, carbonated and hot drinking water dispenser

CHILLED, GASED AND HOT DRINKING WATER DISTRIBUTOR HYDRAZON HOT 15 FIZZProduct code: 144.850.400 Product descriptionExtremely elegant functional drinking water dispenser that fits stylishly into any environment. Efficient in operation and easy to use. Hydrazon is the ideal solution for any office or workplace. It has a built-in full drip alarm: an LED indicates when the dripper is full. High and [...]

Hydrazon Hot 15 chilled and hot water distributor

CHILLED AND HOT DRINKING WATER DISTRIBUTOR HYDRAZON HOT 15Product code: 144.850.200 Product descriptionExtremely elegant and functional drinking water dispenser that fits stylishly into any environment. Efficient in operation and easy to use. The Hydrazon is the ideal solution for any office or workplace. It has a built-in full drip alarm: an LED indicates when the dripper is full. High and illuminated [...]

Blusoda Hot Fizz chilled, sparkling and hot water dispenser

CHILLED, COOLED AND HOT TAP WATER DRINK, TABLE, HOT FIZZ BLUSH Product code: 144.601.003 Product description The compact and completely stainless steel unit is the smallest chilled and hot tap water dispenser. Designed for public facilities, but also ideal for home and office use, the unit offers top quality and excellent performance. It provides access [...]

The Piccola Hot 15 Fizz chilled, sparkling and hot water drinker

Chilled, aerated and hot drinking water dispenser, table top, PICCOLA HOT 15 FIZZProduct code: 144.101.110 Product description Compact dispenser for chilled, aerated and hot water distribution. Perfect for home and office use, it offers top quality and excellent performance. It provides access to chilled still water, chilled sparkling water and hot water at a temperature of 85 [...].