Microplastics in bottled water - an invisible threat
Woda butelkowana, często uważana za symbol czystości i zdrowia, staje się coraz bardziej narażona na zanieczyszczenia, w tym na obecność mikroplastiku. Choć może to wydawać się paradoksalne, badania wykazują, że mikroplastik nie jest obcy nawet w wodzie butelkowanej, podważając nasze zaufanie do tego źródła nawodnienia. Co gorsza, istnieją dowody na to, że związki chemiczne zawarte […]
World Water Day and drinking water supplies
Światowy Dzień Wody, obchodzony corocznie 22 marca, przypomina nam o niezwykłym znaczeniu wody dla ludzkości oraz konieczności jej odpowiedniego gospodarowania. To dzień, który skupia uwagę na kwestiach związanych z dostępem do czystej wody pitnej, ochroną zasobów wodnych oraz walką z wyzwaniami związanymi z brakiem dostępu do tego fundamentalnego zasobu. Woda jest podstawowym składnikiem życia. Bez […]
Too much plastic in the world: a call to give up plastic bottles
Plastik – materiał, który wydawał się być rozwiązaniem na wiele wyzwań związanych z przechowywaniem i transportem, stał się teraz jednym z największych problemów środowiskowych, przed którymi stoimy. Na całym świecie ilość plastiku, której używamy i wyrzucamy, osiągnęła alarmujące poziomy, a konsekwencje tego są poważne dla naszej planety i wszystkich form życia na niej. Plastikowe odpady […]
The drinking water station with hand-washing station is a hit!
In recent years and events, authorities, municipalities, companies and designers alike have been looking for solutions to make public spaces not only more functional, but also safer. Hygiene is a very important issue at present, so new solutions are appearing on the market all the time, thanks to which it is possible to maintain hygiene and promote health [...].
Why is it important to remember to drink enough water?
Water is the foundation of our existence, playing a key role in the functioning of the human body. Its consumption is of paramount importance in maintaining health and the proper functioning of all body systems. Unfortunately, many of us downplay this issue, failing to realise the numerous benefits of regular water consumption. Hydration as the key to proper body function Water is an essential [...]
Instead of buying another bottle of water, get a water bottle and use eco-friendly solutions
Have you ever wondered how many plastic bottles end up as waste in our environment every day? On the web or on television, we can find videos and photos showing downright piles of empty plastic bottles, or seas, lakes and rivers full of them. Plastic does not decompose, staying in the environment for hundreds of years, plastic particles are eaten by marine animals, plastic penetrates [...]
Debunking myths about tap water
Water is a fundamental element of our lives. Without it, we would not be able to exist, and therefore its quality and availability are key issues for our health and well-being. Although tap water is widely available and meets stringent quality standards, it is accompanied by many myths and misconceptions. Many of us have heard claims about the possibility of poisoning ourselves through [...]
How are drinking water outlets reducing plastic waste?
As more and more people around the world become aware of the environmental impact of plastic, we are increasingly starting to look for ways to reduce plastic waste. One key part of this process is the search for alternatives to beverages and water in plastic bottles, which can make a significant contribution to reducing plastic packaging and positively [...]
What are the benefits of installing drinking water springs in buildings?
Drinking water wells in buildings are often overlooked in projects, which is a mistake, as they play a significant role in promoting both environmental sustainability and economic efficiency. These inconspicuous solutions provide easy access to clean drinking water, reducing the need for disposable plastic bottles and the associated environmental and financial costs. Which ones? About this in this article.
Drinking water springs in public spaces - why should there be more and more of them?
Universal access to drinking water in public spaces has been the norm for many years in Western European and North American cities. In many of them, drinking water springs were established as early as the 19th century and in some cases even much earlier. Today, in Poland too, there is increasing talk of the need to provide as many places as possible with public access to water. Why are drinking water springs in public spaces so important? What can we do to increase their number?